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Courier Services in Tashkent

Courier Services in Tashkent

Here you can find some top international courier services in Tashkent, telephone numbers and website links. Click on the name to visit corporate web site.


TNT Express

Tel: (99871)-1521786
Fax: (99871)-1523909


Transcontinental Company

Authorised Service Contractor for UPS
52a, Khalklar Dustligi str.
700135 Tashkent 
Tel.: (9987) 1 120 38 38
Fax: (9987) 1 120 38 48


FedEx Express

FedEx is represented in Uzbekistan by a nominated Service Contractor. For more information about the FedEx services available from Uzbekistan please contact:

Tel: (99871)-1400700, 1400701
Fax: (99871)-1400068


DHL Express

6 Babur street 
TASHKENT, 100003

Tel: (99871)-1205525, 2539900
Fax: (99871)-1205507


Express Mail Service

Express Mail Service (EMS FALCON) - is an operator of express mail, representing in Uzbekistan world network of Express Mail Service. Network EMS includes more than 190 countries-members of the Universal Postal Union, is intended for the express delivery of your urgent documents and cargoes in the shortest terms.


International Post Office
4 Turkestanskaya street (reference point - Northern Railway Station)
Tel: (99871) 2322720, 2320196
Fax: (99871) 2320196
Calling a courier (99871) 2320196, 2322720.


Main Post Office
7 Shahrizyabskaya street (reference point -supermarket "DUNYO")

Khalqaro Tezkor Pochta AJ


Last Updated: 09/04/2011 8:34 AM



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